Book Review – Struck by Clarissa Johal


Struck is listed under horror, dark fantasy but I think paranormal fantasy might be a better description since it’s not terribly dark.

The stories main character is Gwen, who during a storm, is struck by lightning. She survives the strike and remembers very little about it until she’s visited by Julian: A ghostly vestige of the devil (?) who apparently found and saved her after she was struck.

Julian’s visits soon become demanding as he tries to take control of her, only to be thwarted by Gwen as she struggles to keep control of her life and protect her friends. In doing so, she finds that a woman she cared for at the nursing home she works at has left her a warning.

I’ll not go into more detail because it’s too easy to unintentionally throw in a spoiler and give part of the complex plot away.

I found the story line and characters in Struck to be very well developed. The plot was complex, did not have a lot of twists and turns but the ones it did have were very well done. Overall, it held my interest and the characters were believable, likable and mysterious and dark when they should be.

One thing I found a little hard to believe was Gwen’s refusal to confide in anyone or, ask for help. That was especially true where Seth, her roommate, was concerned and I kept waiting for her to tell him what was happening and ask for his help.

Finally, the ending seemed to be rushed and left me hanging.

While it wasn’t a page turner for me, Struck is a very well written story that held my interest from front to back. I also found it to be just the right shade of dark.

A very good read that I’m sure will hold your interest.

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