All the World’s a Book Fair (or Writer’s Conference) Calendar

All the World’s a Book Fair (or Writer’s Conference) Calendar

Get Away to Write-Scotland: A Getaway for Poets and Writers (July 28–August 5)

Dundee, Scotland

If you’re looking for an artistic retreat and a vacation in Scotland, book this trip! Seems like an excuse to scribble and shop, with some morning workshop sessions.

Horror Writers Workshop (August 7-14)

Simon Village, Bran, Transylvania, Romania

I wonder if the people of Transylvania hate horror tourists. Maybe they murder them gruesomely. Regardless, this is a retreat workshop under the guidance of award-winning scaremeister Brian Evenson, in a hotel overlooking Dracula’s castle, natch.

Travel Writers & Photographers Conference (August 11–14)

Corte Madera, CA

Ever gone somewhere? Taken a photo? Then you’re well on your way to being a travel writer/photographer. This is the 25th anniversary of this conference. It features two contests: an essay for the writers, and a series of snapshots for the photographers, each with the theme “My Most Unforgettable Travel Encounter.”

Writer’s Digest Conference (August 12–14)

NY, New York

This conference is heavy on craft and business. The WDC boasts a triple shot of keynote speaker: bestselling authors Kwame Alexander, David Baldacci. and Emily St. John Mandel. Unfortunately, the pitch slams are all already sold out. Find a way to sneak yourself in?

Willamette Writers Conference (August 12–14)

Portland, Oregon

In direct competition time-wise, but closer for those of you on the West Coast, this conference promises learning opportunities from sixty different instructors and keynote addresses from speakers such as author and graphic novelist Chelsea Cain and author/screenwriter/songwriter John Shirley. There will also be pitch sessions to industry pros.

Writers at Woody Point (August 16–21)

Woody Point, Newfoundland, Canada

Sure, there will be plenty of published writers reading and talking, but there’s also plenty of live music. Ron Sexsmith kicks things off with performances the first two nights. The first annual Comedy at Woody Point festival is on the agenda, so funny stuff too. The festival features “Short Waves, Short Stories” in which a fiction is given a dramatic radio-play theatrical performance with musical accompaniment.

Historical Writers of America Conference (August 19–21)

Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Writers of factual histories and historical fictions will meet their contemporaries in this quaint town in August. Get hungry for Libby O’Connell’s keynote: she is the author of The American Plate: A Culinary History in 100 Bites. It’s an edible history!

The Lost Art of Personal Writing (August 20–21)

The Grand Marais Art Colony, Minnesota

This looks to be another one of those personal retreats where you write on your own with some workshop sessions thrown in, for those of you who can’t make it to Scotland or Romania.

Beijing International Book Fair (August 24–28)

Beijing, China

Writers around the world make appearances at this massive fair. Among them: children’s book author Cao Wenxuan, who has an audience of millions in China; award winning meta-fictional trickster Enrique Vila-Matas of Spain; illustrator and film concept designer (worked on Lord of the Rings) Alan Lee; and novelist and philosopher Simon Van Booy, who has a cool name.


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