Witching You Were Here, A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Mystery, Book 3 by Amanda M. Lee


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Ah, the three 20 something witch cousins, Bay, Clove and Thistle of the Winchester Coven, are at it again!  Once more, they along with Aunt Tillie, will wreak havoc in Hemlock Cove as it becomes the scene of a new mystery.

This time a cabin cruiser from Canada has been found abandoned in the middle of the lake. It’s owners missing and blood stains found on the deck.

Chief Terry and Bay’s FBI love interest Landon, have been assigned the case and as usual, Bay has offered to help them. Hey, she needs to collect details for an article for her weekly newspaper, so why not share? Right? Needless to say, Clove, Thistle, Aunt Tillie and their moms will provide more help (than anyone ever needed!) as they trudge their way through the snow, cast spell (more like hexes) and just generally get in the way.

Oh, did I mention that there’s a blizzard coming? Or, that Aunt Tillie drives a snow plow? (Well, when she can find enough phone books to be able to see out the windshield.)

As in the two previous books, Amanda will have her well-developed characters (and they truly are characters!) making you giggle and shake your head on every page. Her story line, as always, is cute but believable (well, mostly.) and her plot development and writing is outstanding.

I found next to no errors. But then, I was laughing so hard most of the time I may very well have missed one or two. (Honestly Aunt Tillie! I didn’t find ANY! Please don’t hex me with a week’s worth of zits or pants that will not zip!)

The only question I had as I read was, “Will Bay and Landon finally fall into bed together?” Well, guess you’ll just have to read book three to find out! Enjoy!

Cute, funny, extremely well written with wonderful characters you can’t help falling in love with! (Except for the bad guys!)

Recommendation: Definitely a MUST READ!

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