The Stillness of Winter by Vincent Watson

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The Stillness of Winter is a wonderful love story that will bring tears to your eyes and have you wondering where life will lead its characters next.

The story centers around Samuel and Marlys; friends since childhood who are now partners in a company that builds web sites. Aside from being business partners and good friends, the two have fallen in and out of a more intimate relationship that finally results in their living together for two years.

During a trip to Europe to visit a friend, Marlys turns a one-night stand into an eleven month fling. While she’s in Europe, screwing her brains out, Sam meets and falls in love with Julia, who moves in with him.

Marlys returns, becomes friends with Julia and she and Samuel renew the business partnership. One evening, Sam returns home to find Julia gone. Every trace of her removed from his house and his life, the only explanation a note telling him “I love you but I must leave”.

From here, their lives begin a journey full of questions, love, fear, heartbreak and every other emotion that can enter one’s life.

I absolutely loved The Stillness of Winter! Its plot is not only unique but full of twists and turns that will keep you turning pages long past your bedtime. The characters are well developed and you’ll find yourself rooting for all of them and hoping life works out for the best.

A word of warning. The is a lot of strong language! However, the author has done an excellent job using it to shape the character’s personalities.

Finally, there are a lot of errors! Especially toward the end of the book. So much so that they became extremely annoying and resulted in my lowering my rating. I beg the author to have his book edited to make it more readable.

In summary: Definitely recommended! A very different story with characters you’ll love and plot turns that will hold your attention from beginning to end; even with the annoying errors.

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