The Mine by John Heldt

5 nfly

The Mine is a unique love story that involves the unintended time travel of its’ main character, Seattle college student, Joel Smith.

Letting his curiosity get the better of him, Joel decides to explore a mine while returning from a trip to Montana in 2000. The problem he faces when he exits the mine is that he has gone back in time almost 60 years to 1941.

With World War II about to break out, his credit and ATM cards of no use, and no means of transportation, he manages to make his way back home to Seattle. However, once there, he is presented with a completely new set of problems in the form of his 21-year-old grandmother and her college friends; one of whom he falls madly in love with.

With December 7th rapidly approaching, he’s faced with a critical decision; return to 2000 or stay in the 1940’s and build his new life. But what impact will each choice have on him, the world to be, his family and the love of his life?

As Joel ponders which path to choose, the mine will have you on the edge of your seat as, you too, ponder what he should do!

I found The Mine to be an outstanding love story with a very different plot. It is well written, with well-developed characters that are believable and very likable.

There are just enough twists and turns in the plot to keep you guessing and, toward the end, up at night to find out which path he chooses and the result.

In summary: Definitely recommended! A unique story with characters you’ll love and plot turns that will hold your attention until the end.

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