Tag Archives: promoting

Featured Article – Am I a Critical Reader? by A. Fae

Am I a Critical Reader? Despite what people may think, doing an honest and comprehensive review of a book isn’t as easy as it may sound.  Sure, anyone can say, “Oh, that was a great book.” Or, “I hated that author and will never read their books again.”  But there’s so much more to it than that.  A reviewer has… Read more »

LGBT in Southern Small Towns – Guest Post by Author Jason Huffman-Black

Small towns in Georgia exude a charm that can’t be beat. Most are like a time capsule of a bygone era.  While I grew up in Atlanta, I had relatives who lived in the hills of North Ga. and visited on a regular basis. There is a beauty and simplicity to small-town living that is attractive, especially to those who… Read more »

The Importance of Momentum by Dane Cobain

A little momentum is a powerful thing. Think about it – if you’re trying to achieve something, the key is to get the ball to the top of the hill and then to push it down the other side so that it builds up as much speed as possible. It’s a pretty simple concept, and it’s one that’s used in… Read more »

Tips to Evolve as Author and to Find More Readers by Jeanine Henning

Sunday, March 01, 2015 The game has changed, and so must you. We’re well into 2015 and the year is booming with new authors and books. Already my schedule is filled with authors pushing out manuscripts and setting publication dates with cover design briefs. I can honestly say I am overjoyed to experience this level of professionalism among authors! So… Read more »