Tag Archives: Creature Feature

Creature Feature – Mermaids: Life Under the Sea by A. Fae

As far as creatures go, most wouldn’t think a mermaid would be a part of that group.  However, the mermaid we think of today thanks to Hans Christian Anderson’s fairy tale, The Little Mermaid (1836), isn’t the mermaid known throughout history. When you think of a mermaid, you often think of flowing hair, a beautiful face -and body for those… Read more »

Creature Feature – Piexies: Not Just Another Creature by A. Fae

You’re about to learn that all that flutters are not fairies.  Pixies – also known by a plethora of other names like pixy or even pigsies – originate from Celtic roots. The mischievous pixies, in today’s world, are often confused with sprites or fairies, but throughout history, there were said to be even wars between the groups of fluttery ones. … Read more »

Creature Feature – Knock, Knock by Tay Laroi

In the few short decades of its existence, the Internet has become a staple of society and revolutionized how we do just about everything: the way we shop, the way we talk, the way we meet people, and the way we travel, just to name a few. Most surprisingly, it’s changed the way we scare others as well as ourselves…. Read more »

Creature Feature – The Zombie You Thought You Knew by A. Fae

When I first began looking into a creature I love, zombies, I thought I knew quite a bit.  I thought I’d read and watched enough that I had my bases covered.  Ha!  Boy was I mistaken.  Not only did I learn that there are different types of zombies, but there are tons of zombie myths and legends around the world…. Read more »

Creature Feature – Dying to Meet You: The Redcap of the Borderlands by Tay Laroi

What sort of creature do you think of when you hear the world “fairy?” Odds are, thanks to popular media’s portrayal, images of Tinkerbell, tiny homes built into trees, and dresses made of leaves and flowers come to mind. While the innocent, playful, light-hearted fairy is familiar to most, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who saw them… Read more »

October Event – Creature Feature

It’s October and you know what that means!!! HALLOWEEN!!!!! I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of Halloween. The costumes, the candy, the pranks, the movies, I love all of it. No other holiday captures our imagination and creativity like Halloween. No other holiday brings out the creepy, crawly, whimsical, and wonderful quite like Halloween either. That’s why, on every… Read more »