Review – The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland by Rebekah Crane

The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland is a fantastic story, loaded with insight and messages. Insight and messages not just for teens but, for everyone.

The story centers around four teens from different parts of the United States. Each has their own issues, which is why they have been sent to Camp Padua, in Michigan, a summer camp for at-risk teens. The four teens, each around sixteen years old, are Zander, Cassie, Grover (as in Grover Cleveland, the President) and Bek (as in Alex Trebek, the game show host).

In the beginning, you’ll find yourself laughing out loud as Rebekah builds an image of the camp, it’s councilors and the teens it hopes to help: In a story told pretty much through the eyes of Zander. As the characters start to form in your mind, you’ll find yourself chuckling, then laughing and finally realize there are tears in your eyes. Tears because the messages embedded in each character’s issues are so true to life; everyone’s life, to some extent.

You’ll quickly fall in love with Zander, as she conjugates verbs in French in her head to escape facing reality. Next, comes Cassie who takes absolutely nothing seriously and who banters back and forth with everyone about everything. As Grover enters the picture he will become the voice of reason, well sorta. If crazy reason can be considered the voice they should listen to. And finally, there is Bek. Bek, who you never know if he’s telling the truth. Bek, who I frankly never figured out. But then, neither did anyone else.

As the four of them befriend one another, try to figure one another out and end up supporting each other, you’ll suddenly realize how deeply you’ve been drawn into their lives. How deeply you care about them and want to help them through their struggles. Struggles we recognize and have all been through, to one extent or another.

Rebekah Crane has done an outstanding job of building characters you’ll adore and embedding them in a plot full of twists, turns and a slew of messages we all need to hear.

The Odds of Loving Grover Cleveland is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time and should be a must read for everyone!

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