Review – Just Roll With It by Niki Hager


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Just Roll With It is a cute romance story about the up’s and down’s of Rigbee’s life: before and after she meets Roman.

Ah yes, Roman with his good looks and bad boy image. The one who should send her into the biggest panic attack she’s ever had. Instead, he has the exact opposite effect on her. Suddenly Rigbee finds herself more comfortable with him than anyone else. Not even her male roommate Enzo, who she confesses everything to, can draw out the calm, safe and secure feelings she has when she’s with Roman.

However, Roman is anything but secure. Even though he finds himself as attracted to Rigbee as she is to him, the timing couldn’t be worse. The last thing he needs right now is another complication. Especially a female complication! What he really needs is to concentrate on school, work on pulling his grades up or he can forget graduating.

For both of them, this was simply meant to be, as fate just pulls them together like two magnets.

But, will it last? Are Rigbee’s panic attacks really over or will Roman be the cause of her biggest attack ever: The one that will kill her heart and make her recede back into her shell, never to come out again.

And what about Roman. Must he protect himself and his heart from being mutilated by losing, yet again, the someone he loves more than life itself?

I really enjoyed the story Niki weaves around the unpredictable events that pull Rigbee and Roman together then, complicate the hell out of their lives.

Added to that is Niki’s wonderful character building that will have you falling in love with Rigbee from the get-go and Roman shortly after. Their story will pull you in and keep you reading into the wee hours of the morning wanting to know where life takes them. Wanting to protect both of them from the inevitable up’s and down’s of life and their love for each other.

A great love story with twists and turns and fantastic characters you’ll love. Definitely worth putting at the top of your must-read romance list.

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