Inspiration for Writing by Jay @ Escape Between the Covers

Inspiration for writing by Jay @ Escape BetweenThe Covers

Writer’s block can happen at any point in time. Sometimes you might not have the right idea, or you aren’t sure how to phrase it. It is the most frustrating thing that can happen to us as writers. Yet I’ve learned that we, from time to time, force ourselves into these writer blocks.

We become extremely frustrated and even if it does sound great and it is a perfect idea we trash it. Besides the fact that we are our own harshest critics without inspiration we feel our writing is worst than usual. It’s true, inspiration hits you when you aren’t looking; so quit looking. Enjoy yourself with other tasks for a while. Clear you mind then begin when you aren’t so stressed.

Books, music, and movies are some of the easiest way to get inspired. But look towards more outrageous sources. A conversation you overheard, a weird painting, that weird dream you happen to remember from last night. Children have great imaginations and can often times spark the flames to something much greater. Art is another great source. You may see the next set you want your characters to battle in or where the couple will kiss for the first time.

Personally, I research from time to time the style of writing I enjoy. After reading a few passages I get motived to keep going with my own work. Other instances I simply ramble, no editing, or stopping. I start off with the first page being nonsense yet after that ideas form, weird images in my head appear, and slowly ideas fit together.

Another thing I’ve learned is that inspiration may never come. You might never know how best to finish that sentence or start the next masterpiece. Yet, you can never let that be the reason you stop. A writer needs to write. You need to gain confidence in your writing and perfect your skills. Then you won’t always have to search for inspiration you will know your writing is consistent and will know how to carry the story.


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