Induction and Asylum – Books 1 & 2 of Time of Death Series by Shana Festa

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Induction and Asylum are the first two books in the Time of Death series by Shana Festa. They are what I hope are only the beginnings of a series that is possibly one of my all-time very favorite books.  People who know me might find it a bit humorous that out of all the genres I’ve read that a series about zombies has become my favorite, but I just can’t help it.  I never thought it possible but Festa has me loving zombies – more so than even than watching The Walking Dead (AMC) has.

As a nursing student graduating soon, Emma Rossi finds herself on the precipice of a zombie apocalypse in an otherwise idyllic charming Florida community surrounded by water like a small island with bridges connecting it to the rest of the world.  Her last night as a student nurse doing rounds in the local hospital, she encounters a patient that could very well be “PATIENT ZERO.”  As she leaves work that night, all hell breaking loose around her, she has no idea what has befallen her beloved community.

As she arrives home and begins to settle in for the night with her husband, Jake, and her beloved dog, Daphne, the world around them turns in to massive chaos.  The only thing the Rossi’s can think about is finding their families and friends – even if it means putting their own lives at risk. As the dead rise up around them, Emma, Jake, and Daphne struggle to find not only their loved ones, but more importantly safety.

Throughout Induction and Asylum, the Rossi family will find safe harbor and then loose it as zombies began to invade every inch of their community.  With bridges blown up in an effort to stop the spread of this zombie apocalypse, there isn’t much left to do but to figure out a way to survive.  Along the way friendships will be made that death will take away.  Home will be built only to be ripped down.

How much can they take?  You might be surprised.  I often found myself thinking how there was no way on this planet that I’d be able to survive even ten minutes!  Festa does an amazing job making this series not just a bunch of gore.  There were real, heartwarming relationships at times; love of family and friends; dealing with loss; moving onward and upward. But yes, what would a zombie book be without some gore.  I am desperately looking forward to the next book in the series because I couldn’t put the first two down.  I’m certainly sincere when I say that I have added this series to my all-time favorite books.  Amazing work Festa!  Get to work on the next book please.

(This book was given to me for free in return for an honest review.)

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