Hybrid Publishers- Why they’re awesome

Hi, folks! My name’s Dane Cobain, and I’m the author of a supernatural thriller called No Rest for the Wicked. It was released by a hybrid publisher called Booktrope in the summer of last year, and that’s kind of what I’m here to talk about.

Hybrid publishers are a new generation of book publishers that are filling a much needed gap in the market.

Most people are familiar with traditional publishers, like Random House or Penguin – these typically operate as huge businesses, with large teams and marketing budgets behind each of their releases. You can also find indie publishers, which release books with a low budget and rely on word of mouth to spread the word. These days, self-publishing is also an easy option, and so there’s no shortage of ways to get your book out there.

But hybrid publishing takes the best of both worlds – if you want to be published by Booktrope, for example, you still have to submit your manuscript, just like you would with a traditional publisher. If you’re successful, you hook up with a team, in a community-based approach to publishing which yields fantastic results.

Most authors will end up working with a book manager, who’s in charge of marketing, an editor, a proofreader and a cover designer. Each member of the team receives a share of the royalties, which gives everyone a reason to help to promote the book, and Booktrope funds the layout and distribution process, as well as some basic marketing costs.

Another of the advantages of this community-based approach is that we form a huge community – there are over 1,000 of us now, all working towards a common goal, and we’re more than happy to help each other out, where we can. We’re stronger together, and this is one of hybrid publishing’s big advantages over traditional publishers.

So if you’re a writer, and you’re trying to unleash your book upon the world, then why not consider a hybrid publisher? Booktrope is open for submissions, so think about it – you could always check out No Rest for the Wicked first, to check out some of the work that they’re putting out there.

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