From a Killer’s Mind by Jason Helford

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To be honest I truly don’t even know where to begin with From a Killer’s Mind by Jason Helford other than to say HOLY COW!! I’m not exaggerating when I say that I have NEVER EVER read or seen on TV – or in the movies for that matter – anything quite like this; however, i must say I’m perplexed still as to whether that’s a negative or positive reaction.

John is the center of this psychological thriller – leaning more towards a piece of horror fiction at times. The victim of the most extreme physical and verbal abuse at the hands of not just his father but his mother as well. It’s safe to say his chances at a normal adulthood would’ve been slim to none. As you may have guessed, John is the killer the title speaks of – a serial killer to be exact. Readers may not initially be aware of this or what’s actually going on until about a quarter of the way into the book but you are so enamored with trying to figure out what’s going on in his head that you keep reading.

As the storyline progresses from there it becomes apparent that time in John’s mind is going to be anything but a smooth ride or close to the likes of any serial killer known thus far; to the extent that I honestly question the mind that wrote this book! Helford definitely transports us to a place I personally have never ventured before, nor am I sure I want to go back there any time in the near future.

From a sociological and psychological standpoint Helford’s work challenges the notion of nature versus nurture. Are killers born or raised? I have to wonder after reading this book. It’s certainly an interesting question especially when you can’t often differentiate as to whether what’s taking place is only occurring in his mind, really happening, or is some sort of paranormal thing.

I must admit that although I don’t regret reading From a Killer’s Mind, it did make me uncomfortable at times to put it mildly. There is a plentitude of adult content in general. In fact I’d say this book would be difficult for an adult to read, much less anyone younger. Sexual content is present, of which is not always consensual. As aforementioned, there is plenty of violence including child abuse.

I think the only way to conclude this review is to say that the title, From a Killer’s Mind, speaks for itself. You spend time in the mind of a killer and it’s up to each of us to figure out if that’s something you can handle.  Do I recommend picking it up? I truly don’t know how to answer that. I, personally, couldn’t put it down but it was more like that car accident you drive past and just can’t stop watching.

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