Finding Me by Brooklyn Taylor

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In many ways, the plot of Finding Me is typical of a high school, senior football jock meets new girl, love story. For that reason, I reduced my rating but, other than that, I truly enjoyed Finding Me.

Elise Riley’s older brother Thad loves and adores her, as do her two best friends. The same cannot be said for her mother, who blames Elise for her father’s death and in whose eyes, Elise can do nothing right.

With her brother away touring colleges, Elise’s best friend Bryan rapes her. She turns to her mother who immediately blames her for enticing Bryan. Worse yet, her mother refuses to let her report it as it will ruin Bryan’s life. Instead, she ships Elise off to her aunt and uncles farm in the small Texas town of Humble.

Soon after arriving in Humble she makes a new best friend then, meets Ford, the schools star football player, and every girl’s dream. As she and Ford strike up a friendship. Her new best friend declares Ford is hers and warns her off.

In the meantime, Ford’s life is being dictated by his father who insists he dedicate his life to winning a football scholarship and playing college football. Ford however, has other plans: Plans that don’t include football or going to a four-year college. Instead, he wants to go to a community college, settle in Humble and purchase a farm.

When Ford skips practice, his dad punishes him by forcing him to work on a local farm; specifically, the farm owned by Elise’s aunt and uncle. As Ford spend more time on the farm and with Elise, this only confirms his plans and allows the connection he and Elise have to grow.

From here you can pretty much figure out where this story is going. However, there are plenty of twists and turns thrown in which, when combined the wonderful character development, will definitely hold your interest and have you cheering, crying and laughing as our two main characters find each other.

Overall, an excellently written story that will pull you in and hold your interest from cover to cover. A must read if you like YA Love Stories.


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