Evil Runs: A Supernatural Mystery/Thriller by Vince Milam

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Evil Runs: A Supernatural Mystery Thriller (Evil World Book 1)
By Vince Milam

The story of good versus evil is as old as time.  Hollywood has made the battle between the two a part of our popular culture in more films than I can count.  A particular storyline often on the silver-screen is the fight for the life of an innocent person who has been possessed by demons.  In films like the iconic Exorcist, or more recently The Rite, demons are exorcised from the innocent with the backing of the Catholic Church.  Evil Runs by Vince Milam is an impeccably written supernatural/action-adventure piece with a new, super-modern stance on the familiar storyline.  I can tell you now that it was a struggle to put this excellent book down. From almost the very beginning you just have this feeling that you’re in for the smoothest ride you can imagine.

Cole Garza, the sheriff of Aransas County, Texas, is no stranger to loss and evil, having lost his wife to murder some time back. But when a crazed killer attacks a nursing home, killing a handful of people and setting the place aflame, evil has a new face. His name is Moloch. Although no one saw this man who oozes evil partake in the murders or fire that ensued, he was on the scene and Cole is certain he has more to do with this horrendous crime than meets the eye.

Enter Father Francois. With the support of the Vatican, Francois shows up in Rockport requesting to be a part of the investigation and search for Moloch without giving reasons beyond that he is on a mission to eradicate evil as a reason why Cole should involve him.  Although Cole is more than hesitant, word comes from quite high up that he should cooperate with the Vatican’s request and work with Francois, who he soon learns is quite the personality.  With his new snakeskin belt and cigarette in hand, the French priest is ready to join the hunt.

Now add in the obsessive/compulsive, socially inept, computer whiz, Nadine May, and you’ve got an unstoppable crime fighting trio. As Nadine tracks Moloch first to Wales and later Syria, it is quickly realized she is a crucial member of the team, her crush on Cole aside. Nadine is completely ecstatic about the chance to become a field operative as opposed to the operative stuck behind the computer screen.

The three race to track down Moloch, each with their own reasons.  Their personal journeys are just as important as finding Moloch.

Evil Runs was super well written and edited.  The storyline was great.  I enjoyed that it was modern enough to include some of the current events of our time into it. My only criticism would be the ending.  I felt that it was super rushed with very little detail, leaving me feel a bit let down.  Now I realize this was just the first book in the series, but as with many others that are the start of a series I felt that everything was left open for the sake of a reader getting the next book.  I don’t find that all too unreasonable, but I really wanted more for the ending even though I’d like to read the next book in the series as well.


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