Who, What, When, Where, Die (An Avery Shaw Myster) by Amanda M. Lee

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Who, What, Where, When, Die is listed under Cozy, Mystery, Suspense. I need to tell you that I’m not sure that it fits any of these categories. I also need to tell you that I am a rabid fan of Amanda’s Wicked Witches of the Midwest Series.

For both of these reasons, I was extremely disappointed in Who, What, Where, When, Die. That disappointment started with the title, which makes no sense and gave me absolutely no clue as to what this book and series is about. From there, the book attempts to introduce Avery Shaw, a small Michigan newspaper reporter around which the series is built.

Avery is a happy go lucky, free spirit who doesn’t seem to work hard at anything except, dressing as weird as she can. She also seems to be stalked on a regular basis as news stories seem to seek her out, rather than the other way around.

And that, pretty much covers the central plot of the story.

I realize that this is the first book in the series and was written before the Wicked Witch Series I so dearly love. As an author, I also look back at how much my writing grew after my first book; as I suspect is the case with Who, What, Where, When, Die. Thus, I tried to temper my disappointment and fairly rate this book.

If you can get past a plot that struggles to be funny and mysterious and some hard to believe characters (and their actions); I think you’ll find the beginning of what will become a cute series and an Avery Shaw that will grow to be funny and much more believable with each new book.

As for this book; it’s just okay.



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