Cover Reveal – All the While by Gina Azzi

All the While
Gina Azzi
(The Senior Semester Series, #3)
Publication date: January 17th 2017
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Sports

Consumed with grief for her twin brother Adrian’s death, Maura Rodriguez is spinning out of control. To cope with Adrian’s loss, she numbs her pain with bottles of vodka and sex with random men.

Harboring guilt over his best friend Adrian’s death, Zack Huntington is yearning for a past that no longer exists. Reaching out to the familiarity and comfort an ex-girlfriend offers, Zack aims to recreate what once was but can never be again.

When their worlds collide while running on the trails along Boathouse Row, Maura and Zack find comfort in each other and in the memory of their shared connection—Adrian.

An unlikely friendship brimming with undeniable attraction blossoms into an unexpected romance. While Maura and Zack struggle to heal, to forgive, to accept, they also learn how to let go and allow themselves to fall in love, a truth they’ve both known but resisted all the while.

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Previous books in the series:
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Author Bio:

Gina Azzi is the author of The Senior Semester Series and Corner of Ocean and Bay. A Jersey girl at heart, Gina has spent the last decade with an unquenchable thirst for travel, spurring many adventures abroad, before settling down in Ontario, Canada with her husband and daughter. A voracious reader and frequent daydreamer, Gina spends hours with her nose in a book or imagining up new characters. She loves to write YA and NA fiction with relatable, genuine characters experiencing real life surprises, grit, hope, friendship, and love.

Follow her on social media or contact her through

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