Cover Reveal – Desert Rain by Charyse Allan

Desert Rain (Valley of Death #3)
Genre: YA Thriller
Release Date: February 14th 2017
Summary from Goodreads:
Captured by the Elites and held in their most secure facility, Payton holds tight to the hope of escape, if only to keep her sanity. But the director of the facility is hell-bent on breaking her reserve to never kill again. He does everything in his power to force her cooperation and crush her hope of ever escaping the Elite’s clutches. With the belief she’ll never see her family or Conner again, she wonders more every day whether she should stop caring and give in to the killer she was trained to be.
When her true purpose comes to light, an unlikely ally urges her to hold true to her belief and cling to her compassion. But right and wrong become blurred in her reality when every choice she makes appears to cause pain.
In this final installment of the Valley of Death series, Payton is faced with unthinkable decisions that could forever change her, no matter if she chooses to save those she cares most for or add another death to her tally-board.



Previous books in the series (click on images for Goodreads links):
About the Author
Charyse Allan grew up in Arizona dancing and riding horses. She is an avid reader, but didn’t become one until high school. This is also when she realized her passion for writing, however it wasn’t until a couple years into her marriage that she tried her hand at writing a novel.

When she isn’t writing or reading, she can be found in Northern Arizona, tending her garden with her husband and best friend, while their two kids and two crazy dogs run around the yard. Charyse is also a big fan of Holy yoga, juicing and being a vegetarian—she misses bacon like nobody’s business. 
Author Links:
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