Blog Tour – The Embodied Trilogy by J.B Dutton

The Embodied Trilogy by J.B. Dutton Genre: YA Urban Fantasy/sci-fi Page count: Approx. 560 pages Release date:  July 11th 2016 Summary: The Embodied trilogy is an unusual web of adventure, romance, fantasy, and science fiction. Book one, Silent Symmetry, introduces smart, plucky Manhattan prep school student Kari Marriner, who becomes aware that mysterious aliens called the Embodied and their pseudo-religion, the Temple… Read more »

Review for Book Blog Tour of Dead Girls Don’t Cry:The Undead Space Odyssey Initiative by Casey Wyatt

As someone who reads a plethora of genres in my everyday book dealings, I’m accustomed from time to time of two main genres intermingling; however, Dead Girls Don’t Cry by Casey Wyatt spun me for a loop. It was a cross between urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and sci-fi. Unbelievable! And although there were moments that I wanted to walk away,… Read more »

5-fly Blog Tour & Interview – Moonchild by Kate L. Mary

With its captivating setting, riveting plot, and heart-pounding action, “Moonchild” is a much needed breath of fresh air in the world of YA fantasy. I’d say the same in the context of New Adult fantasy as well since the novel teeters between the two, which works to its benefit. Whichever age bracket you want to put it is, mature YA… Read more »

Book Review – The Departed by Kristy Cooper Blog Tour

Kristy Cooper gives us, what many in our current societal situation might call, a controversial look at Christianity in her YA fiction book, The Departed – which is the first installment in The Departed Series.  In our society’s present political state where concerns of religious rights, gun rights, and the lot are being contested in the upcoming election arena of… Read more »

Book Blog Tour – Anomalies by Sadie Turner and Collette Freedman

  There’s no doubt that I am a lover of dystopian fiction as I read as much of it as I can grab up. And as is common in most genres, you come across some really great pieces and some really horrible pieces.  But with Anomalies by Sadie Turner and Collette Freedman, I think I found the beginning of something… Read more »