A Note to My Readers and Authors


I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy New Year.  Since July, there has been a ton going on in my life, the least of which has been my ability to keep up with my blog.  For that, I apologize to you all.  That isn’t to say that I haven’t been reading because I have; however, the writing of reviews has come a bit difficult for me.  I say this because now that there is a new year ahead of us, it is my goal to get back on track and get all the reviews done for the books I’ve been reading over the past five months – including those not in the present genre – as well as the reviews for books I’m currently reading.

I want to thank you all so very much for your support through my injury and recovery.  It has meant the world to me.  I also thank you for sticking around even though the blog has been slow going.  I hope I can make you all glad you stuck around.

What I ask of you is to continue coming back.  Those of you who can guest review, please let me know.  I’d be honored to have you.  Any of you who’d like to write an article or know of something book related that would be good for the site, please contact me via email.  I’d love any and all input you have to offer.  For those of you who already have, thank you so very much.

In conclusion I just want to say thank you.  Keep coming back!  Keep sending me stuff you think might be good to post!  Keep offering to guest post!  Keep reading the blog!  A most of all to those of you who are authors, KEEP WRITING THE GOOD STUFF!!!

A. Fae

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