Deliver Her by Patricia Perry Donavon


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Alex is pretty much your typical New York 16-year-old. Or, at least she was, until her best friend Cass, is killed in an automobile accident on Alex’s 16th birthday. An accident which Alex believes she caused.

From there, Alex’s life spirals out of control as her mother Meg, watches and tries to help her cope with the loss of Cass. But things just get worse as Meg discovers Alex is skipping class, not doing her assignments and hanging around with the wrong crowd.

With no help from her husband, who picked Alex’s birthday party to tell Meg he no longer wanted to be married, Meg is at her wits end. Knowing that Alex is headed for a crash and burn, Meg starts looking into residential camps that can help Alex deal with her grief.

The final straw comes when Meg discovers a hidden baggie of drugs in the house after Alex has thrown a party.

Realizing she has to do something quickly, she hires Carl, owner of “Begin Again”, to transport Alex to The Birches (a recovery facility that helps teens deal with grief) in New Hampshire.

During the transport, things go from bad to worse as a snow storm sets in and an accident blocks the main highway. Diverting to an alternate back road, in the middle of nowhere, they hit a moose and crash into a ravine. When Carl wakes up, Alex is missing and the search is on.

As Meg and her husband head to New Hampshire to join the search, Alex, her parents and Carl all begin to understand what Alex has gone through and that she is not to blame for much of what’s happened.

And, to find out how it all turns out, you’ll just have to read the book.

As others have mentioned, Deliver Her is a little on the trite side and several scenes don’t lend much to the story. But overall, I found it well written and an enjoyable story.

An easy read



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