Triumph by Latisha Marie



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Triumph is a short story about domestic violence, alcoholism and forgiveness. In truth, it is a story about life and how life for all of us can change in an instant and become a horror story.

Were it up to me, I would make this book mandatory reading for everyone!

The story centers around Theresa and Jason who, meet in college and fall in love.

Both Theresa and Jason can be described as intelligent, caring and destined to graduate and have successful careers and lives. As they become more comfortable with each other, and just barely after moving in together, Theresa becomes pregnant. Not just pregnant but pregnant with twins.

Committed to each other, Jason drops out of college to find a job in order to support their instant family. From there, life spirals out of control when he cannot find a job and begins drinking heavily. His drinking leads to blaming the world and Theresa for all his woes and soon he becomes violent and begins taking his frustrations out on Theresa.

During a fit of rage, he punches and pushes her, resulting in her losing one of the babies. Horrified by who Jason has become and devastated by the loss of one of their babies, Theresa kicks him out, gets a restraining order against him and moves back in with her parents.

Eventually, she completes college, goes on to law school and rebuilds her life and a career. Only to one day, have Jason show up at her doorstep begging for forgiveness.

Will she forgive him? Should she forgive him? You’ll need to read this story to find out and no matter what her decision (or whether you agree with it or not) it is a story well worth reading.

Triumph is a story that applies to every one of us. What happens to Theresa and Jason can and does happen every day to anyone. No matter how smart, how educated or where they stand on the social ladder. There, but for the grace of God, go any of us. And, if this story causes just one couple to realize what’s happening and prevents what happened to Theresa and Jason, then this story has achieved its goal.

My advice: Please read this story. It’s not long, is exceptionally well written, applies to every one of us and may help change or save your life some day.

This book was given to TAB in exchange for an unbiased and honest review with no promise of a positive review.

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