The Lost Gorillas by Peter Hoggett

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The Lost Gorillas is listed under international mystery, suspense. I would describe it more as a treasure hunt with a lot of Tom Clancy want-to-be technology and a few gorillas thrown in for good measure.

The Lost Gorillas drags us all over Africa as it gathers its characters, only to eventually deposit them in Gambia. As each character is added, the author attempts to build their backstory, much of which adds little to the story and even less to the suspense.

The books description talks about lives and loves that are changed during their journeys but I must have missed that part; along with anything more than a few paragraphs about poachers kidnapping baby gorillas.

Once everyone is collect in Gambia, they start planning how to rescue a variety of stolen exotic animals (including gorillas) that are doomed to be sold on the black market. It’s at this point that the author becomes more involved in describing old (as in James Bond, Goldfinger era) military technology being used in the rescue, rather than building up the suspense of the rescue.

I found The Lost Gorillas extremely hard to follow and get through. The plot seemed to completely change at least three times and by the middle of the book, I had no idea where it was going. Then, at the end, it took a sharp left turn and became a treasure hunt again. (Go figure.)

I did however, like the characters; even if connecting them to the story was hard.

Finally, there are a lot of errors, which only added to the difficulty of getting through the book.

In summary: Difficult to read and follow and not worth the effort.

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