Review – Lightning Flash I, II, III, Polar Opposites, and Notes to Self by Valerie Runyun


I had the wonderful pleasure of beta reading for Valerie before she published any of her work. Since then, I have read each of her pieces as she’s published them and promised myself I would do a review.

But am I really qualified to review her work? I’m not sure I am. But, I know I have to. I owe her that for several reasons: First for believing and trusting in me enough to critique her work (Which I’m not sure I will ever be talented enough to deserve). Second, for making me see things I would have never seen without her pointing them out. And finally, for making me a better author by compelling me to step back and look at everything I see and write, through different eyes.

And so, here I am, proud to be her first review, but uncertain if I can possibly do her work justice.

Lightning Flash I, II and III is a collection of observations, thoughts, feelings, and emotions about everyday things in life. In Polar Opposites, and Notes to Self, Valerie lets us into her head, and her wonderful, crazy, right side up, upside down, happy, terrifying and sometimes painful life, as she shares her emotions. Emotions that will rock you and jerk you from laughing out loud one minute to wiping tears from your cheeks the next.

In all three sets of work, she will have your sitting in awe of her ability to see things we take for granted or walk past without seeing, every day. She will shed light on feelings and emotions on such silly things as “Shoes”. Give new meaning to the term “Best Friend”. Force you to look into yourself and analyze feelings you know are there but are afraid to confront. Let you be comfortable facing your fears, as she does. Laugh with her, cry with her, be amazed by her intelligence and shake your head wondering how she can be so stupid at times.

I can go on and on but none of the words I can come up with will do her work justice. She is simply light years ahead of me. But, that’s another thing she’s taught me. To look into yourself and strive to be as good as you can. It’s all in there. You just need to find it.

I urge you to read each of Valerie’s pieces. I promise you will not be disappointed and each will provide insight into a different part of life.

I’ll close with the best compliment I can think of: Valerie is the most talented writer I have ever read.

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