Book Review – A Matter of Trust: Book 1, London Calling by Kat Faitour


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A Matter of Trust is a Contemporary Romance with a typical but slightly different plot.

The British company, founded by his family and now owned and run by British financier Bennett Sterling, hires Devon Sinclair, a brilliant economist, recruited from America.

Instantly, there is an attraction between them. But, as you would expect, each has their own issues and secrets. Bennett has been burned by a previous love affair and Devon comes from a family whose wealth comes from swindling others.

When some of the firms’ corporate accounts are stolen, the evidence points to Devon and her family and Bennett wastes no time ridding her from his company and his personal life. Only, of course, to find out it was not her.

The story line, in many ways, is typical but, does have a few unique twists and turns that will keep you guessing. Character development is very good and you’ll quickly find yourself liking Devon and not so fond of Bennett.

Which brings me to what I didn’t like: Unbelievable characters. For me, Bennett wasn’t a British stuffed shirt, he was downright nasty. Not just with Devon but with all his employees; who in the real world would have quit or pushed in front of a bus. As for Devon, no woman with any sense of self-worth would have put up with him, no less date or fall for him.

Thus, what could have been a really good romance story, was ruined by unbelievable characters.

Worth reading if you can get past the over the top character actions.

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