Within #1 by Christian Edwards

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Within Part I – A Short Story
By Christian Edwards

Within is a short story about Amanda and Jonathan who go on vacation to Victoria Island. After arriving, they meet newlyweds Raymond and Kara, who also chose to vacation on the island. Both couples are in their early twenties and the only tourists on the island so, as you would expect, they end up doing things together.
However, things start to turn weird as they check into the only motel on the island and rapidly get weirder as the two couples have breakfast then meet again on the beach.

Sorry, but like the story, I’m going to leave you hanging because I don’t want to give anything away.

Within bit me by the middle of page two and by the time I got to “To be continued” I was totally hooked. Part I does an excellent job setting the stage for what I believe will be an intriguing supernatural story. I say supernatural but reserve the right to change my mind since I don’t know where Part II will take us! And, yes, I definitely plan to read Part II!

Edwards is an outstanding storyteller and this story will suck you in. Even though I don’t know where the plot is going it’s still great. The characters are perfectly developed and relatable and Edward’s writing skills are wonderful. Yes, I really like this story!  Definitely a must read that will have you reaching for Part II.

Robert Boze


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