Book Review – Kiss Cam by Kiara London


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Kiss Cam is listed under Teen/Young Adult Romance. A more accurate description would be a well-written and delightful high school romance. But, it is much more than a romantic tale. For those of us over 30, it is also an education into how much being a teen has changed since we were one.

The first thing you will notice is a somewhat familiar plot and three very well-developed characters; the female main character Juniper (June), male main character Japer (Jas), and close friend Lenny. All of whom have been besties (best friends) forever and, now that they’re in high school, co-own and operate a vlog internet site called WereVlogginHere.

I’ll pause here for the rest of the old folks, and tell you that a vlog is shorthand for a video blog or video log. Put a different way, it’s a form of blog for which the medium is video. Vlog sessions can combine embedded video with supporting text or images, and entries can be recorded in one take or cut into multiple parts. (Think YouTube.)

In any case, their site, WereVlogginHere, has a large following. Due, in no small part, to their ingenious idea to let their fans help dictate the subject or content of their sessions. For example, during their Truth or Dare segment, fans can call in with suggested truth or dare challenges.

And, it is during one of these dare sessions that Kiss Cam is created.

Kiss Cam, where a simple dare to have June and Jas kiss, in a series of called in surprise circumstances, leads to more complications than anyone every expected. Especially for June and Jas; who seem to be the only two that don’t realize they have been more than friends for a while now. With the holidays approaching, Kiss Cam turns into the Twelve Days of Kissmass and the release of long stifled feelings, on both their parts.

As Kiss Cam segment suggestions continue to pour in, they both try to convince themselves that their kisses don’t mean anything; that they’re still just good friends. But, it doesn’t take a mental giant to see that they have grown far beyond the friends they used to be.

Kiss Cam is a very well written, cute, funny and a truly unique, modern-day romance. I also have to commend Kiara London for taking the time to nicely work in explanations for the many vlogging terms that most people are probably not familiar with. She does this quietly and up front, to where you almost don’t even notice it. However, it makes a world of difference in allowing you to understand the story and appreciate the creativity of these three modern, internet teens.

My rating: A cute, fun read everyone will enjoy. Definitely recommended. (Especially if your old and want to learn about and appreciate vloggin!)




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