Book Blitz – Beautiful Chaos by Alex Tully

Beautiful Chaos
by Alex Tully
Genre: YA Romance
Release Date: June 13th 2016

Summary from Goodreads:

While most seventeen year-olds work part-time delivering pizzas or whipping up frappuccinos, Brady O’Connell’s job is a little less conventional. Helping his dad with the family ‘business’ is a responsibility he doesn’t take lightly, especially when thousands of dollars are being exchanged. There are rules to be followed, timetables to be kept. But when his best friend Jay gets backstage concert tickets, and business interferes with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet their favorite band, Brady decides to break the rules, just one time.

And one time is all it takes to send his life spinning out of control. When an envelope full of cash ends up in the wrong hands—specifically in the hands of a pretty red-head named Vivienne—things get messy in a hurry. Where Vivienne goes, a whole lot of chaos seems to follow.

But sometimes…chaos is a beautiful thing.

From the author of Hope for Garbage comes another fast-moving, emotionally-charged tale, full of plot twists that will keep you guessing, and true-to-life characters you will root for. Most of all, this is a story of first love—crazy, chaotic first love—love that hits us hard, and never lets go.


Buy Link: Amazon



She felt her whole body relax in relief and she smiled at him. “Thank you.”
In that moment, as they stood across from each other, their eyes met. And this time she didn’t look away. She couldn’t look away. He suddenly stepped closer until they were only inches apart. He was so close she could see a small scar on his left cheek and she could smell his faint scent of soap and mint. He gave her a crooked grin and put his hand on her shoulder. Her legs suddenly felt hollow, her stomach flip-flopped, and her heart pounded in her chest.
Surrounded by garbage and gunk, knee-high in people’s unwanted crap, it was the most romantic moment, in the most unromantic of places. His eyes never leaving hers, his hand moved slowly over her shoulder, around to her back, turning her into a ball of shivers. Oh my God, was he going to kiss her?
He stepped back suddenly, holding up a long fuzzy cobweb. “You had this on your back.” He smiled.
Her cheeks were on fire with embarrassment. “Oh, thanks.” Holy humiliation.


About the Author
Alex Tully lives outside Cleveland with her husband, two teenagers, and a golden retriever named Trooper.

When she’s not writing or doing mom stuff, she loves to read (actually Audible) and Netflix (or Amazon Prime) binge. She is also a huge Cleveland Browns fan – laugh if you must 🙂

Her debut novel, “Hope for Garbage”, a contemporary coming-of-age story, was released in 2014 and her latest novel “Beautiful Chaos” was released in June 2016.

She is hard at work on her third novel.
Author Links:
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