5-Fly Review – Incubation: Green Fields book 1 by Adrienne Lecter


5 nfly

I’m in love!  Although it’s was no secret to me that I enjoyed zombie books, after reading Incubation, the first book in the Green Fields series by Adrienne Lecter, I’ve become an even bigger fan.  As a matter of fact, I’d venture to say that not only are zombie books becoming one of my favorite genres, but this book just might be added to my favorite book list.  I suppose you could say I’m a fan of any post-apocalyptic books, but zombies roaming around the world keeps me turning (or swiping in my case) pages, one after the other.  And when it comes to Incubation, I couldn’t put it down.

Brianna was a dedicated scientist working at a biomedical lab where she was constantly submersed in a world of test tubes, pipettes, this virus or that.  Little does she know that day when she dons that lab coat and heads to her lab will be the end of the world as she knows it.

Taking a break from her pipettes and test tubes, Brianna heads for the coffee vending machine.  Across the atrium, she spots a handsome stranger who looks oddly like Nate, a man she’s been carrying on an affair with.  For the life of her, she can’t figure out any reason he’d be there, standing with a group of visitors who are accompanied by some of the lab’s upper crust.  As he comes to say hello he gives her a cryptic warning that seems to be the beginning of the end for them both.

Oh, I can’t even tell you how hard it was to put this book down.  To start with the negative, I will say that there were lulls from time to time where I felt the book got a bit technical for my taste: though I suppose one could also look at it as a positive that the Lecter definitely knew about the science behind the book.  I just felt a bit bored from time to time as I’m in no way a science person.  Anyhow, that is truly the only negative I can think of.

Incubation was witty with layer, upon layer, upon layer of mystery; the pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together to reveal an unbelievably plausible tale of how it will all go down before zombies appear to rule the world.  There were moments where I felt chills run up my spine at how real the plot could be.  And honestly, it terrifies me.

Impeccably written, Incubation is just the beginning of the Green Fields series that I can hardly wait to read.  Aside from the overly technical aspect of this particular installment, Incubation was practically flawless.  I could not ask for more from a great book: the one you can’t put down and when you have to, it’s all you think about.  I seriously look forward to continuing the series as soon as time allows.  Lecter, you’ve got a zombie fan in me!

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